
Our Confirmation program is for 6th-10th graders.  In 6th grade , our students study and learn the Old Testament and New Testament accounts of faith and are familiarized with their Bibles and catechisms.  7th and 8th grade classes go more in-depth into studying our catechisms including the 6 chief parts of Biblical teaching as instructed by Martin Luther.  9th and 10th grade classes read thru the entire Bible from cover to cover and are instructed in apologetics and in faith application in daily life.  We meet on Wednesdays during the school year at appointed times by grades listed below. If you have any questions about confirmation please contact Pastor Metzler.

When We Meet


6th Grade: Wednesday at 6:00PM
7th-8th Grade: Wednesday at 6:00PM
9th-10th Grade: Wednesday at 7:00PM
We are off in the Summer
More questions? Contact Pastor Metzler!

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