Small Groups

Serve the Lord with gladness

Psalm 100:2

LWML: The mission of Iowa District West Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to assist all women in discovering and using their God-given gifts through LWML on thanksgiving and service to our Lord.

Adult Bible Studies

Men's Bible study meets everyother Saturday morning @ 7:30 am.
Women's Bible Study. No study at this time
Adult Bible Study Sunday mornings at 8:45 am in the fellowship hall.

To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.

I Peter 4: 11

Dorcas  was organized in April 1996.  Dorcas serves their church family in many ways.  They offer assistance to others, visit shut-ins and nursing home members. They also send out special occasion cards to members, help with funeral luncheons and many, many more activities.